AFAMichigan; EternalVigilance; BryanFischer; JohnnyZ; SDGOP; JRochelle; areafiftyone; sitetest; Jaysun; ElectricStrawberry; LiveFree99; Alter Kaker; newgeezer; Radix; Asclepius; sasportas; LowOiL; glorgau; Rocky; Unmarked Package; Utah Girl;bahbah; Squire of St. Michael; NeoCaveman; Txsleuth; azcap; rhombus; xuberalles; Swordfished; Plutarch; WestSylvanian; JewishConservative; Obilisk18; DBrow; MassachusettsGOP; circumbendibus; KingArthur305; teddyballgame; GregH; slowhand520; Lonesome Rhodes; Logical me; MIchaelTArchangel; Tolerance Sucks Rocks; Fierce Allegiance; Howlin; ilovew; TChris; Ms. AntiFeminazi; Registered; De Civitate Dei; justshutupandtakeit; Domandred; B Knotts; PDR; catholicfreeper; Carolinamom; onyx; Common Tator; Rex Anderson; The Shrew; SwinneySwitch; unsycophant; Nightmare; Amelia; MAF; Ben Ficklin; Interesting Times; MikefromOhio; Texasforever; blau993; Terpin; libbylu; freedomfiter2; Anarchist; Maceman; Extremely Extreme Extremist; AVNevis; Moderate right-winger; Kaslin; Utah Binger; Unam Sanctam; Reaganesque; Risha; teddyballgame; Aussie Dasher; Panerai; NutCrackerBoy; NorthEastRepublican; KevinDavis ; Kuksool; WashingtonSource; Dante3; BW2221; iowamark; CWOJackson ; acapesket ; DTogo; Right_in_Virginia; Vigilanteman; stockstrader; taxed2death ; fabian; sgtbono2002; Sunsong; rlmorel; tiger-one; Clemenza; Petronski; GummyIII; SevenofNine; veronica; Xenalyte; CheneyChick; Melas; EveningStar; neverhillorat; nowandlater; jbonham76; Torie; Ragtop; VillageDamien; Valin; MikeA; frankjr; Menehune56; zarf; surrey; streetpreacher; Jeff Fuller; truth_seeker; To Hell With Poverty;
As an independent how supported Kerry, I see many similiar qualities in Romney and both speak French. If the GOP wants to win in 2008, they will need a moderate that exudes administrative competence rather than ideology. Romney must be perceived as a trustworthy centrist that will not seek to impose his own moral precepts on the public. His strength must be his "turn-around" ability to right our nation's course from the disastrous leadership of Bush. Hillary will offer exactly the same, and will win unless the GOP owns the middle ground first. Romney must focus his candidacy on how he will resolve Iraq and stabalize Afghanistan. The "cultural" issues that divide our nation must be avoided and instead he must promise to govern out of respect and tolerance for everyone, irregardless of their religious beliefs.
If Romney can pull this off, he will have my vote in 2008.
James Conroy, Sigourney, Iowa
Please watch Fred Thompson's message to the Iowa voters at the following:
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