Fuller's Field--Launching a New Blog
I'm a little late coming into the "Blog-o-sphere" but the time has come.
The impetus for starting this blog is to help others in the cyberworld know about my support for Mitt Romney's election to the White House in 2008--so that they too can catch the vision and support Romney. My worry for him is not in the general election----as a moderate-leaning conservative from the northeast who has ties to the Midwest (born and bred in Michigan--where his father was a beloved governor and businessman) and a proven track record for getting things done across party lines he would be primed to capture independent and/or moderate voters nationwide, making him the clear favorite over any Democrat that I could imagine. No, my worry for Mr. Romney is that much of the GOP base will not look past the labels that are slapped on him ("Northeasterner", "RINO"--Republicans in name only, or"Mormon") and find out that he is a morale and fiscal conservative that is wise and pragmatic enough to work with both sides of the isle and make great and needed changes in our system of government.
I also have other passions which include my family (wonderful wife Laura and four young boys ages 6-1), my job (as a retina specialist), and a desire for a college football playoff system (i.e. I am staunchly anti-BCS--Bowl Championship Series). I have "blogged" in the pre-blog era quite a bit about the BCS and may bring back some of those blogs.
Enjoyed the posting. Welcome to the blogosphere and thanks for linking to my blog (http://mittromney2008.blogspot.com)
Hey jeff,
I stumbled across your blog looking for anti-BCS groups out there. I work for a documentary company and we are about to undertake a huge film project to take down the BCS. I HATE IT!!! But that's just my opinion :) Funny thing though, I started reading you're blog and noticed you're a Mitt fan. We just finished a film called Article 6: Faith, Politics, America, which discusses the religious hoops we make our candidates jump through, including (especially) Mitt. you'll have to check it out. Anyway, I'm just looking for folks who would like to see a change from the BCS system to a playoff that can help me with ideas, research, networking, anything. Let me know if you know of any groups. Thanks. Here's my email:
PS - Go Utes!
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