Blogging Continued @ Iowans for Romney
Go to Iowans for Romney to see my continued blogging.
Since this personal blogsite was gravitating toward announcements and links revolving around Mitt Romney I decided to join the state blog sites movement. I am trying to do this synergistically with the other Iowa-Romney blogsite (Romney for Iowa--will remain first link on the right) and wanted the name to conform to the format most state blogsites have seem to taken (thus, it will be easier to find when every state has a blogsite for Romney here in a few months.) I will continue to post the more in depth commentaries here as well as at Iowans for Romney (dual posting), but the links to current articles and information will be focused at there.
An excellent article was written regarding Romney's religion and is an excellent source for dispelling some of the fears of evangelicals.
Just within the last 24 hours the site has been launched. There's a wonderful bio, great photos, and even a couple of video links. Of course, they've made it easy to donate since that is the whole purpose of the PAC. They've also added a function where anyone can subscribe to eNews about Romney and his PAC .
(Speaking of videos, I've added some links to streaming video of Mitt at different events/interviews)